- To carry on the business of catering and event management; event screening, birthday parties, wedding parties, to set up and operate the banquet halls and to undertake all acts and activities which are directly or indirectly related, incidental or ancillary to the said business including the series of outdoor catering, and establishing shopping arcades and for the purposes to buy/sell any land, building, equipments, goods and articles.
- To acquire, establish, run, business of catering services, hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, restaurants (conventional and others including fast food restaurants and snack bars), bakers, confectioners, ice-cream parlours, garment shops, entertainment halls, amusement parks, playlands, health centers, sliming parlours, beauty parlours, bowling alleys, and other services permissible by law.
- To carry on the business of caterers, party decorators, food points, hotels, cafes, restaurants, lodging houses, motels, rest houses, coffee houses and all allied business which can conveniently be carried on in connection therewith at such place or places as may be deemed expedient.
- To own, erect, establish, manage, set up and operate the marriage halls, banquet halls and to undertake all acts and activities which are directly or indirectly related, incidental or ancillary to the business of the Company.
- To manufacture, export and deal in tents, shamianas tent equipment, canvas, canvas products, tarpaulins, waterproofs, carpets, durries, niwar, ropes, embroidery, brades, tapes, laces and allied articles from yarns, fibers and other materials and to carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, exporters and sellers of all kinds of tents and tentage materials, equipment and supplies.
- To assist, help, support, train, advise and guide any person, group of persons, section, community for the purpose of Haj, Umra, Ziarat and to visit historical places and or to manage, organize, administer or make all types of arrangements of food, boarding, lodging, ticketing, transportation, conveniences, facilities, services and to obtain licence, approval, permission from concerned state or authority and/or to do any act, deed things, activities necessary, ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Company.
- To carry on the business of tours operators, providing the facility of Haj and Umra and to make the necessary arrangement for the issuance of Umra visas, tickets, providing food, stay and transport of passengers, from place to place by air, land whether partly by air and partly by land and to do or undertake to do solely or jointly such other things in line or related with the trade of travelling agency business.
- To carry on business as Travel Agents and Tour Operators and to facilitate travelling and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the provisions of conveniences of all kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, reserved places, hotel and boarding and/or lodging accommodation and guides, enquiry bureau, libraries, resting rooms, baggage transport and otherwise and to charter steamships and aeroplanes for fixed periods or for particular voyages and flights.
- To organise educational sightseeing and business tours and for the purpose to charter ships, trains, aeroplanes, omnibuses, motor buses, motor lorries, motor cars, wagons, carts and carriages of every description, to book and reserve accommodation and rooms in hotels, restaurants and boarding and or lodging houses and to take on hire houses furnished or unfurnished.
- To provide urban transport facilities for the carriage of passengers and goods and to organise, maintain and operate for hire transportation services in all parts of the world for transporting passengers, luggage, merchandise mails and freight of every descriptions and kinds of whatsoever by means of automobiles, motor buses, motor trucks, aeroplanes and other vehicles of all kinds and to manufacturing of bus body and to run omnibuses, tramways or other transport of all kinds on such line as the Company may think fit.
- To carry on and undertake International Transport business of all sort and act as transporter and to act as general sales agent of airlines, shipping lines and of transporters and carriers by land and to act as travel agents, tour operators, clearing and forwarding agents and transporters and carriers by sea, land or air.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, cargo agents, shipping agents, courier services, clearing and forwarding agents, freight contractors, railway booking and forwarding agents, tour organisers/promoters, storekeepers and warehousemen in Pakistan or elsewhere ; to sale and arrange tickets for all purpose of transportation services.
- To seek and obtain association and recognition for IATA, international airlines, local airlines, railways, shipping companies and international and local travel agents, associations and to kept liaison with tourist government departments and other agencies dealing with travel and transport.
- To provide transport facilities for the carriage of passengers and goods and to run and provide local bus service in important towns and/or cities.
- To carry on the business of chartering aircrafts, trains, ships for commercial sightseeing tours and own, run or otherwise operate station wagons, minibuses or other transporting device and to act as rent-a-car business and to provide cars, luxury coaches and every type of transport vehicles of every description and all business allied or ancillary thereto.
- To carry on the business of clearing, forwarding, custom house and shipping agents and to everything connected or related to selling, discharging, packing, transferring and placing, shipping, transporting and rendering services in connection with any of the activities mentioned herein above.
- To install the biometric verification system of NADRA for the verification of the CNICs of the customers at the time of booking their parcels.
- To carry on in or outside Pakistan the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, indentors, transporters, dealers in all articles and commodities akin to or connected with any of the business of the Company capable of being conveniently carried on or necessary for the promotion of the objects herein contained, as permissible, under law.
- To carry on business and obtain licences for shipping agents, clearing and forwarding agents, purchasing and indenting agents, selling agents, (except managing agent) on such terms and conditions as the Company may think proper subject to any permission as required under the law.
- To carry on agency business (except managing agency) and to acquire and hold selling agencies and to act as selling agents, commission agents, manufacturers’ representatives and distributing agents of and for the distribution of all kinds of merchandise, goods, commodities, products, materials, substances, articles and things whether finished, semi-finished, raw, under process, refined, treated or otherwise pertaining to trade and commerce and for that purpose to remunerate them and to open and maintain depots and branches as allowed under the law.