1. To carry on the business of mechanical, GSM telecom, civil, electrical engineers, architects, builders, developers and other associate businesses including estimation, drawing up of specifications, interior & exterior decorations and contracts, quantity surveying, supervision and execution of construction works and all installations and maintenance thereof.
  2. To carry on the business of all sorts of engineering goods, machinery & equipment whether locally manufactured or not and to carry on trading, fabrication, manufacturing, import, export, indenting and to act as contractors, agents, dealers of all sorts of engineering goods and machinery and equipment.
  3. To act as civil work / mechanical / electrical contractors to Government of Pakistan, Provincial Governments, Foreign Governments, Foreign Agencies, Public / Local Authorities, Municipalities or otherwise, Semi-Government, Autonomous Corporations, Private / Public Companies or any private person.
  4. To carry on the trade or business of engineers, founders, smiths, mechanics, fabricators, civil, electrical and mechanical engineer and to engage in land drainage work, dewatering land, urban or rural of all sorts.
  5. To work as technical consultants for engineering and procurement services, sale, purchase, manufacture, erection, installation and modernisation of plants and machinery and to carry on the business of wholesalers, retailers, commission agents, indenting agents and manufacturers’ representatives.
  6. To carry on the business as consulting engineers for all types of plant and machineries and commission agents for any person, association of persons, firm or company in Pakistan or outside Pakistan.
  7. To carry on the business of iron-founders, mechanical engineers, manufactures of machinery and implements of all kinds, tool makers, brass founders, metal-worker, boiler-makers, millwrights, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood-workers, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, manufacturers and assemblers of vehicle light or heavy and tractors whether commercial or agricultural, manufacturers and suppliers of gas-generators, farmers, carriers and merchants, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in machinery, implements, rolling stock, re-rolling mill and hardware of all kinds and to run workshops of every description.
  8. To carry on and conduct the business of manufactures, importers, exporters, dealers as wholesale merchant or retailer or commission agent or indentors of iron, steel sheet metal, alloys, copper, zinc, brass, gun metal while metal, tin ingots and their scraps or other iron and steel and steel metal articles of all kinds such as M.S. steel Round Bars, steel and ingot.
  9. To carry on the business of iron and steel re-rolling and milling and to set up and install furnaces and the manufacture of iron and steel products of all kinds and to buy, sell and deal in all kinds of metal scrap, plates, sheets and other metal and steel products.
  10. To purchase, take in, exchange, on lease, hire or otherwise acquire, erect, maintain and adopt any part of the world, mills, factories, buildings, offices, showrooms, workshop, plants, machinery, accessories and other things necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Company and to add and maintain, alter and enlarge all o r any of the mills, factories, buildings, premises and places of production and manufacture machinery which are for the time being the property or in possession of the Company.
  11. To act as web site designers of all sort, web hosting, web application software providers, software developers and otherwise deal as consultants, designers and developers in the field of internet / intranet and other related information technologies subject to any permission required from the concern authorities under the law.
  12. To carry on the business of Industrial and Commercial Parts supplies to Engineering/ Industrial Sector (e.g Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Textile Industries, Power Plants etc) as permissible, under law.
  13. To carry on the business of bidding, designing, execution services for specific Projects in Industrial Sector as permissible, under law.
  14. To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, packing buy, sell, export, import, or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements, compounds, laboratory, and scientific chemicals of any nature used or capable of being used in the pharmaceutical industry, agricultural chemicals, food industries, pulp and paper industries, fertilizers, petro-chemicals, industrial chemicals, especially calcium carbonate, agro chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives and compounds thereof.
  15. To carry on in or outside Pakistan the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, indentors, transporters, dealers in all articles and commodities akin to or connected with any of the business of the Company capable of being conveniently carried on or necessary for the promotion of the objects herein contained, as permissible, under law.
  16. To carry on business and obtain licences for shipping agents, clearing and forwarding agents, purchasing and indenting agents, selling agents, (except managing agent) on such terms and conditions as the Company may think proper subject to any permission as required under the law.
  17. To carry on agency business (except managing agency) and to acquire and hold selling agencies and to act as selling agents, commission agents, manufacturers’ representatives and distributing agents of and for the distribution of all kinds of merchandise, goods, commodities, products, materials, substances, articles and things whether finished, semi-finished, raw, under process, refined, treated or otherwise pertaining to trade and commerce and for that purpose to remunerate them and to open and maintain depots and branches as allowed under the law.
  18. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire, apply for or otherwise acquire and hold for any interest, any rights, privileges, easements, trade marks, patents, patent right, copyrights, licences, machinery, plants, stock-in-trade, and any movable and immovable property of any kind necessary or convenient for the purposes of or in connection with the Company’s business or any branch or department thereof and to use, exercise, rights, and information so acquired, subject to any permission required under the law.
  19. To acquire by concession, grant, purchase, barter, licence either absolutely or conditionally and either solely or jointly with others any machinery, plants, equipments, privileges, rights, licences, trade marks, patents, and other movable and immovable property of any description which the Company may deem necessary or which may seem to the Company capable of being subject to any permission as required under the law.
  20. To act as representatives, for any person, firm or company and to undertake and perform sub-contracts, and also act in the business of the Company through or by means of agents, sub-contractors and to do all or any of the things mentioned herein in any part of the world and either alone or in collaboration with others and by or through agents, sub-contractors, or otherwise.